夏天郊游的英语作文? 农场郊游的英语作文?

worldtravelno1 郊游 14 0


Last weekend, my classmates and I went sightseeing. There were 44 of us. We started at 8:00 in the morning. We went to Rushed China. I took my own digital camera, some money and some snacks, including potato chips, biscuits and french fries. We had a good time there.

I was tired but happy that day.


this is a diagram of a farm. the arrow marks north. the farm lies in the west of the city, one hour away by train from the city center. the farm is 1.5 miles wide and 2 miles long. the office building stands in the center of the farm. to the left of the building is a chicken house and to the right a garage.

  there is a garden in front of the building and a playground behind it. a wheat field in the north takes up half the farm, and a corn field in the south takes up the other half.

there is a well near the corn field and a small reservoir beside the wheat field. trees are planted around the farm to prevent the crops from being blown down by strong winds.


i wil trip to zhe west hill with my classmate this sunday.we will meet in front of the school gate at 8:00,and wo will go hiking at 8:30.we will take some guitar,kite,and any break,water and fun.i think we will have a good time on this sunday



丝丝的秋风一阵紧一阵,淡黄色的稻田像波浪一样,一层赶着一层,涌向远方。此情此景,不禁使我想起了“长江后浪推前浪”一类的诗句。秋天是美丽的!我始终这么认为。虽然秋天没有冬天那样圣洁,也没有春天那样明丽,更没有夏日那般的干脆。但是,当浓雾逐渐散去时,它的美却毫无保留地展现在你我的眼前。它是理智的、金黄的、充实的,是给人以希望的…… 看那,花——秋菊!娇嫩的花瓣上还滚动着无数的“小珍珠”呢!在雾后阳光的轻柔扶摸之下,越发地晶莹剔透,惹人怜爱。秋天的花虽没有春天那样品种繁多。但是,秋菊却依然含苞待放,它们开得那么地热烈,如火如荼。它们开得多么地奔放,红的似火,粉的淡雅,还有那墨绿的,淡紫的……使人百看不厌。身边还有如许多的小露珠伴作。相信,这个秋日它们是不会感到寂寞的。漫步走过一片小树林,片片黄叶会亲吻你的脸,会轻揉你的肩,还会舞到你的脚边。片片黄叶都是一首优美的诗,吟诵着自己灿烂的一生。在秋风的伴奏下,它们欢快地跳着轻松自在地舞步。它们经历了冬的孕育,春的萌动,夏的茁壮,翩翩地从树枝上飘落下来,又开始孕育来年的嫩叶儿了。秋日是迷人的,是富有诗意的,是令人期待的。秋日是金色的,是忙碌收获的,是让人喜悦的。原先层层翻滚着的黄色的波浪,此时再看,已成了一座座连绵的小“金山”。在山间来回穿梭着的无疑是农民们,他们的脸上比平日里多了几丝疲倦,因为忙着秋收。但他们的脸上却都洋溢着笑容,是发自内心的,因为今年又获大丰收。看着他们各自忙碌的身影,让我更深刻地理解了唐代诗人李绅的“谁知盘中餐,粒粒皆辛苦。”的含义。秋天,我们举目远眺,满眼是金黄色的。秋日,我们满怀喜悦,随处都有景致。秋日!它,是一首婉转的歌,是一段优美的舞,也是一幅迷人的画,更是你我之间的一席窃窃私语。篇二:秋日私语 秋,梦幻一般的季节。它如风,轻轻拂过人间,给人们带来一





  By the spring, the school organization students to go, a light blue skyfloating on the clouds, sometimes like a rabbit, sometimes like a few sheep.

  Students travel over land and water, brave the wind and dew, came to the destination. Down the hill, up from the foot of the mountain,wow! Greenery safflower, is really beautiful!

  The classmates climb halfway up the mountain, want to rest, butinsisted that victory, we all waited to see the view from the top.

  Soon, the students had climbed to the top of the hill, to enjoy themountain scenery water attack. Certainly, the clear water, green grass, lush green farmland. It's be good to hear or see!





Beidaihe is a very beautiful beach.It's not far from the capital city Beijing.It's only about four hours' drive from Beijing to Beidaihe.The sand there is clean and soft.The sea is very clean.Every summer there are thousands of people on the beach.Some of them pick shells,some of them build sand castles,others swim in the sea.There are lots of hotels and restaurants around the beach.You can have many different sea food there.I'm sure you will have fun there.


My personal way to travel is group travel. With a tourist guide leading the way I can fully enjoy the beauty of nature without the fear of being lost. In addition group travel means we have constant companion and our safety can be assured.





